Physical and chemical properties:
- Physical State: Liquid
- Appearance: Pale Yellow
- Odor: Floral
- Melting Point: Not determined
- Boiling Point: Not determined
- Flash Point: Not determined
- Chemical Type: Mixture
- Inflammability: Noninflammable
- Percent VOCs: 1.4
- pH Value: 7.0 – 9.0
- Solubility: Complete
Composition / information on ingredients:
- CAS: 68412-54-4, Ethoxylated Nonylphenol, R36/38, S26, S37/39
- CAS: 67-63-0, Isopropyl alcohol, R11 R36 R67, S7 S16 S24 S25 S26
- Non-Hazardous and other components below reportable levels